The Map add-on provides the GeoMap
component and functionalities that enable developers to integrate interactive maps and geospatial features into their web applications.
The add-on helps you to enrich your application with visual representation and intuitive manipulation for spatial data. You can use a preferable map provider that meets your needs.
The add-on is based on the OpenLayers JavaScript library (8.2.0 version). By default, all API works with CRS - EPSG:4326.
The component integrates spatial types (point, polyline, polygon) from JTS Topology Suite (JTS) — the most popular Java library for working with spatial data.
The Maps add-on supports a traditional multi-layer structure commonly used in professional GIS systems. The layers are represented as structural units of maps.
Browse these sections for core features of the Maps add-on:
Layers. The add-on supports the following types of layers:
These layers are represented as structural units of maps.
Markers are map elements to visually represent a specific location or point.
Map View. The Map add-on allows configuration of the map view, including center coordinates, zoom level, rotation angle, and projection definition.
Events. Maps emit events that developers can listen for, enabling the customization of map behavior based on user interactions, such as map click events or feature click events.
Style. The Map add-on provides the capability to customize marker icons and create new styles for various map features such as polygons, points, etc.
This add-on requires the Enterprise subscription. If you don’t have the subscription, see the Enterprise Trial section for how to get the trial version. |
For automatic installation through Jmix Marketplace, follow instructions in the Add-ons section.
For manual installation, follow the steps below.
Configure access to the premium repository.
Добавьте премиум-репозиторий в свой
:repositories { // ... maven { url = '' credentials { username = rootProject['premiumRepoUser'] password = rootProject['premiumRepoPass'] } } }
Добавьте учетные данные премиум-репозитория в
:premiumRepoUser=123456123456 premiumRepoPass=abcdefabcdef
Получите учетные данные репозитория из вашего лицензионного ключа: первая часть ключа перед тире – это имя пользователя репозитория, часть после тире – пароль. Например, если ваш ключ выглядит как
123456-abcdef abcdef
, имя пользователя –123456
, а пароль –abcdef abcdef
Add dependencies to your
:implementation 'io.jmix.maps:jmix-maps-starter' implementation 'io.jmix.maps:jmix-maps-flowui-starter'