Dynamic Attributes

Dynamic attributes refer to extra entity properties that expand the data model without altering the database schema and restarting the application. This feature enables the definition of new entity attributes during deployment or while the application is running in production.

Dynamic attributes are stored in the main data store in an Entity-Attribute-Value structure. The framework automatically loads and saves the values of dynamic attributes along with entity instances.

Users can view and edit dynamic attributes in the data grids and forms of the existing application views within the Пользовательский интерфейс.

Jmix provides UI for setting up dynamic attributes. Administrators can define names, data types, validation criteria, and determine which UI views and visual components display dynamic attributes.


For automatic installation through Jmix Marketplace, follow instructions in the Add-ons section.

For manual installation, add the following dependencies to your build.gradle:

implementation 'io.jmix.dynattr:jmix-dynattr-starter'
implementation 'io.jmix.dynattr:jmix-dynattr-flowui-starter'