Getting Started with WebDAV

This tutorial provides instructions on getting started with integrating the WebDAV add-on into your application.

Project Setup

We are developing an Onboarding Application - a tool designed to assist newcomers as they navigate through all the necessary steps when starting a new role or position.

We will use the Onboarding application as a starting point.

  1. If you haven’t created this application, you can refer to the Tutorial section, which offers a detailed, step-by-step guide for developing the base application.

  2. Otherwise, download the complete application source code from the jmix-framework/jmix-onboarding-2 GitHub repository. Next, follow the instructions in the Opening Existing Project section to open it in Jmix Studio.

  3. Add the WebDAV add-on according to the installation section.

About the Sample Application

In this tutorial, we’ll introduce a new feature to the Onboarding application.

Onboarding involves training new employees, with an essential component being acquainting them with the company’s knowledge base.

Typically, the knowledge base includes company-wide standards and rules, operational procedures, as well as procedures, instructions, and best practices for each department. To ensure that the knowledge base is up-to-date, it is important to monitor updates and support collaborative documentation.

  • An internal knowledge management system is essential to ensure that employees have access to current information.

  • This system helps to monitor data modifications and establish access controls to safeguard sensitive information.

  • It also fosters collaboration on documents, prevents data errors during simultaneous editing, and maintains an audit trail of document revisions. This allows users to access previous versions of documents if necessary.

Data Model

Let’s look at the model of the sample onboarding application.

data model diagram

We will add the WebdavDocumentWrapper entity:

data model

User Roles

The sample application supports the following user roles:

  • Employees – studies documents within their department, but does not edit them.

  • HR Managers – responsible for the relevance of information in the knowledge base: uploads documents, deletes documents, and edits the content of documents.