
The Charts add-on provides integration of the amCharts JavaScript library in Backoffice UI. The add-on includes various types of dynamic charts:

AmCharts is distributed under a license, which allows its free use if you keep the link to the library website. Alternatively, you can purchase an AmCharts license for your project and remove the link.


For automatic installation through Jmix Marketplace, follow instructions in the Add-ons section.

For manual installation, do the following:

  1. Add dependencies to your build.gradle:

    implementation "io.jmix.ui:jmix-charts-starter"
    widgets "io.jmix.ui:jmix-charts-widgets"
    widgets "io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-widgets"
  2. Remove implementation 'io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-widgets-compiled' dependency.

  3. Add compileWidgets task (change paths according to your application base package):

    compileWidgets {
        generate "charts.ex1.widgets.CustomWidgetSet"
        includePaths("**/io/jmix/**/widget/**", "**/charts/ex1/widgets/**")
  4. Add jmix.ui.widget-set property to your file (adjust location according to the compileWidgets task above):

    jmix.ui.widget-set = charts.ex1.widgets.CustomWidgetSet

To enable using the component in a screen, declare the chart namespace in the root element of the screen XML descriptor:

<window xmlns=""