Свойства приложения



A key that is used in Spring Security’s AnonymousAuthenticationProvider and AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.

Default value: de72c623-6d3d-458c-a187-c526de515ecd


Defines the locales used in the application as a comma-separated list of locale codes. See Setting Up Locales for more information.

For example:

jmix.core.available-locales = en,de


Indicates the directory for configuration files that can be changed at runtime. Used by the default implementation of the Resources interface to load resource files from the directory before searching in the classpath.

Default value: ${user.dir}/.jmix/conf

${user.dir} is the user working directory (where JVM was started).


Defines the batch size when loading cross-datastore references for a collection of entities.

Default value: 50


Specifies a default file storage if multiple file storages are used in the application.


A comma-separated list of bean names to exclude from the Spring application context. It can be used to override beans already having @Primary annotations in some add-on.

For example:

jmix.core.exclude-beans = abc_FooService,abc_BarService


A path to the shared fetch plan repository configuration file. See more information in the Creating Fetch Plans section.

For example:

jmix.core.fetch-plans-config = com/company/demo/fetch-plans.xml


Defines the directory where the application can store temporary files.

Used by the framework and add-ons for operations like export/import and upload/download.

Default value: ${user.dir}/.jmix/temp

${user.dir} is the user working directory (where JVM was started).


Enables processing of bean invocation trigger files.

The trigger file is a file that is placed in the triggers subdirectory of the application’s temporary directory. The file name consists of two parts separated with the # symbol: the first part is the bean class, the second part is the method name of the bean to invoke. For example: io.jmix.core.Messages#clearCache. The trigger files handler monitors the folder for new trigger files, invokes the appropriate methods and then removes the files.

Default value: true


Period of trigger files searching and processing in milliseconds.

Default value: 5000


Indicates the name of the host on which the application is running.

This property can be used by various application subsystems. If the property is needed for a subsystem, it should be mentioned in its documentation.

This property doesn’t affect actual server address on which the application is running. To bind to a specific address, use server.address Spring Boot property.


Indicates the port on which the application is running.

This property can be used by various application subsystems. If the property is needed for a subsystem, it should be mentioned in its documentation.

This property doesn’t affect actual server port on which the application is running. To bind to a specific port, use server.port Spring Boot property.


Defines the work directory where the application can store some data.

Used by the Local File Storage which by default creates the file storage structure in its filestorage subdirectory.

Default value: ${user.dir}/.jmix/work

${user.dir} is the user working directory (where JVM was started).


See more information on CORS in the REST Security section.


Whether user credentials are supported.

Default value: false


The list of headers that a pre-flight request can list as allowed for use during an actual request. The special value "*" allows actual requests to send any header.

Default value: *


The HTTP methods to allow, e.g. "GET", "POST", "PUT", etc. The special value "*" allows all methods.

Default value: *


Defines a comma-separated list of origins for which cross-origin requests are allowed. Use special value * for all origins.

For example:

jmix.cors.allowed-origins = https://www.allowed1.com, https://www.allowed2.com

Default value: *