
simplePagination is a component used to load data by pages. It is designed to be used together with dataGrid, and treeDataGrid components.

  • XML element: simplePagination

  • Java class: SimplePagination


simplePagination has a simple view with a count of rows and navigation buttons.

It can also have a drop-down list for the number of items per page.

simple pagination

By default, Jmix Studio generates simplePagination when creating StandardListView for an entity.

<data readOnly="true">
    <collection id="usersDc"
        <fetchPlan extends="_base">
            <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
        <loader id="usersDl">
                <![CDATA[select e from User e order by e.username]]> (1)
<layout expand="usersTable">
        <simplePagination itemsPerPageVisible="true"
                          dataLoader="usersDl"/> (2)
1 Define a collection loader to load User entities.
2 Connect simplePagination to data using the dataLoader attribute.

Items per Page

simplePagination has a special comboBox with options to limit the number of items for one page. To make it visible, set the itemsPerPageVisible attribute to the true value. The default value is false.

items per page

The default value of this list is specified in the jmix.ui.component.pagination-items-per-page-items property.

You can configure a custom list of options using the itemsPerPageItems attribute. The value of the attribute should be a comma-separated list of options:

<simplePagination dataLoader="usersDl"
                  itemsPerPageItems="2, 4, 6"/>

Options that are less than or equal to 0 are ignored. Options that are greater than entity’s maximum fetch size are replaced by that maximum value.

Use the itemsPerPageDefaultValue attribute to set a default value from the list of options:

<simplePagination dataLoader="usersDl"
                  itemsPerPageItems="2, 4, 6"

The itemsPerPageUnlimitedItemVisible attribute sets the visibility of unlimited (null) option value in the items per page comboBox. The default value is true.

When the null option is selected in the comboBox, the component will try to load all data it can with the current maximum fetch size limitation.

The maximum fetch size for all entities is defined by jmix.ui.default-max-fetch-size UI property. Its default value is 10000. A particular entity may have different maximum fetch size, set with jmix.ui.entity-max-fetch-size.



The autoLoad attribute determines whether the item count should be automatically loaded. When autoLoad is disabled, the component doesn’t know the total item count and shows a button with a question mark [?]. When it’s enabled, the component makes a query to get the total item count and displays it. The default value is false.


To create simplePagination connected to data, use the dataLoader attribute.


Чтобы сгенерировать заглушку обработчика в Jmix Studio, используйте вкладку Handlers панели инспектора Jmix UI, или команду Generate Handler, доступную на верхней панели контроллера экрана и через меню CodeGenerate (Alt+Insert / Cmd+N).


io.jmix.flowui.component.PaginationComponent.AfterRefreshEvent is fired after data refresh.


io.jmix.flowui.component.PaginationComponent.BeforeRefreshEvent is fired before refreshing the data when the user clicks next, previous, etc. You can prevent the data container refresh by invoking the preventRefresh() method, for example:

public void onSimplePaginationBeforeRefresh(
        final PaginationComponent.BeforeRefreshEvent<SimplePagination> event) {
    if (Objects.requireNonNull(event.getSource().getPaginationLoader()).size() > 10) (1)
        event.preventRefresh(); (2)
1 Check the number of instances in the data loader.
2 Prevent refreshing the data.


Sets delegate which is used to get the total count of items. For example:

private DataManager dataManager;

@Install(to = "simplePagination", subject = "totalCountDelegate")
private Integer simplePaginationTotalCountDelegate(final LoadContext<User> loadContext) {
    return dataManager.loadValue("select count(e) from User e", Integer.class).one();