
propertyFilter defines a filtering condition based on a particular property of an entity.

The component can be used independently or as part of the genericFilter component.

  • XML element: propertyFilter

  • Java class: PropertyFilter


At its simplest, propertyFilter consists of an input field preceded by the name of the property being filtered and the operation being used.

property filter basics
<propertyFilter dataLoader="usersDl"
                property="department"/> (1)
1 dataLoader, operation, and property are required attributes.

This component filters data loaded to a data container. It is commonly used in conjunction with dataGrid or treeDataGrid components, which are bound to the same container. This combination allows for precise control over the rows displayed.

Filtering Operations

The component supports numerous filtering operations. You can limit it to a specific operation or allow users to choose the operation they want at runtime using the operationEditable attribute.

property filter operation editable
<propertyFilter dataLoader="usersDl"

The list of available operations depends on the property type.

Data Binding

Data binding refers to linking a visual component to a data container. Changes in the visual component or corresponding data container can trigger updates to one another. See Использование компонентов данных for more details.

Property filter can filter data loaded to either collection container or key-value container.

Collection Container

The following example demonstrates setting up propertyFilter to work with a collection container:

    <collection class="" id="usersDc">
        <fetchPlan extends="_base">
            <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
        <loader id="usersDl">
                <![CDATA[select e from User e]]>
    <propertyFilter dataLoader="usersDl"

Key-Value Collection Container

The following example demonstrates setting up propertyFilter to work with a key-value collection container:

    <keyValueCollection id="statusesDc">
        <loader id="statusesDl">
                <![CDATA[select e.username, e.onboardingStatus, COUNT(e.onboardingStatus)
                from User e
                group by e.username, e.onboardingStatus]]>
            <property name="username" datatype="string"/>
            <property name="onboardingStatus" datatype="int"/>
            <property name="count" datatype="int"/>
    <propertyFilter dataLoader="statusesDl"


Binding multiple propertyFilter components to a single data container allows to apply several conditions simultaneously. For example, use two components to support filtering by department and last name:

property filter multifiltering
    <propertyFilter dataLoader="usersDl"
    <propertyFilter dataLoader="usersDl"


You can explicitly specify the component to use as the input field and set its attributes. This enables to change the default propertyFilter look and feel and enhance it with additional features. For example:

property filter custom input field
<propertyFilter id="nameFilter"
                dataLoader="usersDl" property="username"
                width="100%" maxWidth="30em">
    <textField id="nameFilterField"
               placeholder="Find a user..."
            <icon icon="SEARCH"/>

Dynamic Attributes

The component supports filtering by dynamic attributes. This does not require having the dynamicAttributes facet on that view.

To specify a dynamic attribute, begin its name with a + prefix:

If the dynamic attribute is an entity, it cannot be filtered through its attributes.



Sets whether the property filter should be automatically applied to the DataLoader when the condition value is changed. The default value is true.


dataLoader is a required attribute. It sets a data loader related to the current propertyFilter.


Sets the default value for the filter condition.


Sets the custom label of the property filter condition. If not specified, it is generated automatically based on the entity property caption and the operation label.

If you set the label attribute, the operation label or selector will not be displayed.


The labelPosition attribute defines the filter label position:

  • TOP - label is displayed atop the property filter.

  • ASIDE - label is displayed on the side of the property filter.

The default value is ASIDE.


Sets the label visible or not. Default value is true.


Sets the label width. The width should be in a format understood by the browser, for example, "100px" or "2.5em".


operation is a required attribute. It sets a filtering operation. The operation can be of the following types:

  • EQUAL is suitable for string, numeric, boolean, date/time, reference and enum attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column matches the condition value in the filter.

  • NOT_EQUAL is suitable for string, numeric, boolean, date/time, reference and enum attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column does not match the condition value in the filter.

  • GREATER is suitable for numeric and date/time attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column is greater than the condition value in the filter.

  • GREATER_OR_EQUAL is suitable for numeric and date/time attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column is greater than or the same as the condition value in the filter.

  • LESS is suitable for numeric and date/time attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column is less than the condition value in the filter.

  • LESS_OR_EQUAL is suitable for numeric and date/time attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column is less than or the same as the condition value in the filter.

  • CONTAINS is suitable for string attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column has the condition value in the filter.

  • NOT_CONTAINS is suitable for string attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column does not contain the condition value in the filter.

  • STARTS_WITH is suitable for string attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column begins with the condition value in the filter.

  • ENDS_WITH is suitable for string attributes. Results include only entity instances where the data in the property column ends with the condition value in the filter.

  • IS_SET is suitable for string, numeric, boolean, date/time, reference and enum attributes. The operator tests only the data in the property column that are not null. The comboBox component, generated for this operation, displays two values: Yes and No. If the user selects Yes, results include only entity instances where there is data in the column. Otherwise, results include only entity instances where there is no data in the column.

  • IS_COLLECTION_EMPTY is suitable for collection (@OneToMany, @ManyToMany) attributes. The operator checks if a collection property of an entity is empty or not.

  • MEMBER_OF_COLLECTION is suitable for collection (@OneToMany, @ManyToMany) attributes. The operator is used to filter entities based on whether they are members of a specific collection.

  • NOT_MEMBER_OF_COLLECTION is suitable for collection (@OneToMany, @ManyToMany) attributes


Sets whether an operation selector is visible. Possible values are true and false. The default value is false. If you set operationEditable = true, the operation field enables selecting the condition operator in run-time. The list of available operators depends on the attribute type.


The operationTextVisible attribute defines the visibility of the operation label. Possible values are true and false (true by default).


The parameterName attribute sets the name of the associated query parameter name, used by condition. If not defined, then the parameter name is randomly generated.


Sets the related entity property name or properties path (for example, name, order,


Чтобы сгенерировать заглушку обработчика в Jmix Studio, используйте вкладку Handlers панели инспектора Jmix UI, или команду Generate Handler, доступную на верхней панели контроллера экрана и через меню CodeGenerate (Alt+Insert / Cmd+N).


The OperationChangeEvent is sent when the operation property is changed.


Adds a validator instance to the component. The validator must throw ValidationException if the value is not valid.

If you are not satisfied with the predefined validators, add your own validator instance:

@Install(to = "propertyFilter", subject = "validator")
private void propertyFilterValidator(String value) {
    if (value != null && value.length() != 6)
        throw new ValidationException("Zip must be of 6 digits length");
